Do you know of a direct care worker who goes above and beyond for their clients? If so, please consider nominating them for a Council on Aging (COA) Service Excellence Award to recognize their hard work.
The Service Excellence Awards recognize direct care workers employed within COA’s service provider network who provide superior care for our region’s older adults. For all nominations, COA provides a letter of recognition and a certificate identifying the employee’s outstanding work.
Why do we recognize direct care workers?
Providing care for older adults is both rewarding and challenging. Unfortunately, many people who provide direct care to older adults, including home health aides, are subject to low wages and unpredictable schedules. These and other job challenges have led to a critical shortage of home health aides. As the economy has improved in recent years, many have left the industry for more stable, higher-paying employment.
Because of the shortage, older adults who need help aren’t receiving it.
Recognizing home health aides and other direct care workers for their important work provides a reminder that their efforts really do make a difference.
Who is eligible to receive a Service Excellence Award?
Anyone who provides direct care to an older adult to help them remain independent in their home is eligible for this award, as long as the worker is connected with a Council on Aging program or service provider. Examples of eligible individuals include:
- family caregivers
- home health aides and other service provider staff
- transportation coordinators/drivers
- home-delivered meals drivers/volunteers
I know someone who deserves to be recognized for their hard work and commitment. What can I do?
It’s easy to nominate someone for COA’s Service Excellence Award. Simply complete an online nomination form. Click here for form.
Each deserving direct care worker who is nominated receives a Service Excellence Award certificate from Council on Aging as well as significant praise from his or her employer. And there’s more.
Yearly, all Service Excellence Award nominations are reviewed and considered for Council on Aging’s Hero Awards. Up to three (3) Hero Awards will be given each year. The Hero Award includes a personalized award as well as a cash prize.
What if I don’t know much about the direct care worker?
Nominators are invited to share their stories in as much detail as possible, but if you are missing any information about the direct care worker you are nominating, don’t let that stop you! We will contact you for further details.
What if I have questions?
If you have questions about the awards or how to nominate a worker, please call COA’s Provider Services Administrative Assistant at (513) 619-5576 or email
If you are a Council on Aging client, you may also contact your care manager with positive comments about your aide or direct care worker. Your care manager will help you complete the Service Excellence nomination form.