A living will is a legal document that a person uses to make known his or her wishes regarding life prolonging medical treatments.
This document would apply in the event that you become terminally ill or are in a persistent coma.
A Living Will may be part of, or separate from, a durable power of attorney document and would be used if you become incapable of making your wishes known to others. Artificial nutrition and fluids cannot be withheld unless so directed by your Living Will or power of attorney document.
You can revoke your Living Will at any time. You can do this by simply telling your physician and family that you have changed your mind and wish to revoke your Living Will. It is a good idea to ask anyone who has a copy of the document to return it to you.
Click here for a fact sheet from ProSeniors regarding living wills.
Click here for a Living Will form for Ohio residents. Click on Ohio 2014 Living Will Form.
See also: Advance Directives