General Information
Any organization or person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for a disability placard.
Registrant Eligibility
Must be an Ohio resident and submit completed application form BMV 4826, which has been signed by the applicant.
Physician, Chiropractor or Advanced Practice Nurse's Certification
The application must be accompanied with a prescription from the health care provider. The prescription must state the date, the name of the person with the disability, the health care provider's signature, state that it is for a disability placard and the expected duration of the disabling condition. Health care providers may provide their customers with a request for a disability placard on the health care provider's letterhead. The request must state the date, the name of the person with the disability, the health care provider's signature, state that it is for a disability placard and the expected duration of the disabling condition. If the disabling condition is more than six months, a permanent placard will be issued. If the disabling condition is six months or less, a temporary placard will be issued.
Placard Information
Permanent placards will expire on the date prescribed by the health care provider. A renewal application form BMV 4826 will be mailed automatically 60 days prior to expiration. Temporary placards cannot be renewed.
Issuance Information
May be issued at any Deputy Registrar's office or by mail.
There is no fee for disability placards. A $3.50 Deputy Registrar processing fee will be assessed for each placard issued.
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