You may make a donation electronically or by check.
To make a secure, electronic donation, please click the Donate button below to reach our PayPal account. To donate, you don’t need a PayPal account, just a credit card. Donations can be made in any amount. You will receive an e-mail confirmation after completing your transaction.
Or send a check to:
Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio
ATTN: Accounting Department
4601 Malsbary Road
Blue Ash, OH 45242
- With all donations, please be sure to note your motivation for making the donation.

Although COA is a non-profit, charitable organization, we cannot offer individual advice concerning the financial and/or taxable status of donations. You should consult your personal financial or tax advisor for such advice.
If you have questions about your donation, please give us a call at (513) 721-1025.
Your help and generosity are greatly appreciated!
How your donation helps
By donating to Council on Aging, you help preserve and enhance services that help local seniors remain in their homes and avoid unnecessary placement in nursing facilities.
Meals on Wheels, homemaking, transportation to medical appointments, and home accessibility upgrades (bathroom grab bars, for example) are among the services provided, depending on each person’s needs.
Without these services, many seniors of modest means, especially those on their own, are forced to leave their homes and enter nursing facilities, where most soon run out of money and go onto Medicaid. This is heartbreaking for them and expensive for taxpayers.
Home care services are provided through the Elderly Services Program which is administered by Council on Aging for eligible, disabled older adults in Butler, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties.
The Elderly Services Program is supported by local taxpayers in each county and by donations that provide education to the public about the program and its importance, including levy campaigns. The program would not exist without this public investment and the donations that support it.
For the frail elderly of modest means, the Elderly Services Program is the only option for in-home care. For their families, it is a life-saver that makes it possible to keep mom and dad at home. Annually, the Elderly Services Program helps nearly 13,000 local seniors live with independence and dignity.
Donate through Kroger Community Rewards
COA participates in the Kroger Community Rewards Program, which provides us with donations based on the purchasing activity of shoppers who select us as the organization they want to support. If you have a Kroger rewards card, it only requires a few steps to support us through the program. For instructions, visit here.
Once you’ve designated COA as your organization to support, you just need to use your rewards card when you check out at Kroger, and COA will receive credit.